Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Did Jesus Come to Make a Big Splash?

Many of Jesus' followers in our culture are convinced that if there is no WOW factor, then the world will not notice there is a God. I can’t help but notice that Jesus came pretty inconspicuously to an overcrowded, sleepy little town called Bethlehem — to be born in a stable and laid in a feeding trough to sleep.

No musical, drama, parade or toasting of the arrival of the King of kings. Just a stunningly beautiful star, a brief, frightful announcement by angels to some smelly shepherds about the Christ’s birth and a compelling invitation to some scholarly men who travelled far from the east to greet the tiny King.

Seems the real splash Jesus made, came from His very presence as He grew and spent His time with people who, though religious, had drifted far from God. It was His very presence that was polarizing. People would either take NEXT steps to get closer to Him or they would reject, criticize and abandon Him.

The same is true today. His presence is either compelling or repelling. Which will it be for you and me? Yes, He did come to make a splash. But the splash is all about His powerful, convicting and comforting presence. Perhaps the “WOW” is designed to be seen in how you and I truly love others.

The message of Christmas cannot transform us, but the Christ of Christmas can ... and will, if we follow Him.