Wednesday, March 4, 2009

God's Stimulus Package...

TITHE; GIVE; be GENEROUS to others in tough times.
Don't believe it?  Read Malachi 3:7-12 and then try it His way. That's what He invites you to do. He said, "Test Me in this and see.... (verse 10)"'d rather trust the government to bail you out? You'd rather hoard your resources and control it all yourself. How's that working for you? How fulfilled are you in that? God's stimulus plan (goes beyond money) is, and always has been, through obedience to Him and generosity to His Bride -- the church.

Last Stop Before Eternity...

My short-term memory is not as sharp as it used to be.
Also, my short-term memory's not as sharp as it used to be.

That was one of my older-than-60 prayer partners, jokingly reminding me that he has a few years on me. I think it was his way of telling me that it is worth my while to listen to his recommendations about life -- even if he can't remember that he just told me that same story the last time we had breakfast together. Some of my colleagues ask what it's like to live and pastor in an area that has such a huge percentage of folks over the age of 60. I have to admit that after about three months of pastoring in Brevard, North Carolina, I did ask God if I had misunderstood His calling. What was I doing going from a ministry to many families with young children to a place where 60% of the congregation were over 55? It wasn't long after that I attended a funeral of an elderly man who had decided to become a Jesus - follower only months before his death -- he was in his 80s.

A strong realization came over me at that moment. THIS WAS HIS LAST STOP BEFORE ETERNITY! There is a lot of energy and resources that go into reaching young individuals and families. It's much easier to mobilize an army of volunteers to "save" the children and teens of our culture. And I am so glad that is true. We need to be reaching folks at a young age so they will establish early the life-style of honoring Jesus and expanding His kingdom. But what of the elderly?

"Oh, they are set in their ways. They are just going to a place like Brevard, NC to selfishly live out their final years. They don't generate the excitement like working with young people. Statistics say they won't change -- almost impossible to make a decision for Jesus at that age."

One friend asked me recently if I was content to live out my ministry in obscurity in a place like this. Not sure what obscurity has to do with anything (other than perhaps that friend has some "letting go of the ring" issues), but to answer the "contented" part -- NO! I hope never to be "content" as long as even one human being (old or young) is headed into eternity without knowing how to love Jesus.

Is there anybody in your life who is right now on their "last stop before eternity?"
Is your time and pursuit of kingdom recognition too valuable to mess with such potential obscurity?

In just two days from now,
tomorrow will be yesterday.