Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Be Careful Hitting the Forward Button

Just a concerned note from a fellow Christian who, like you, has moments of anxiousness about the times in which we live. Please accept the humility with which I write this — not as a scold — but as a fellow traveler who had this pointed out to me several months ago, after forwarding (with good intentions) a story that was false. I found out later the false story served to mask a far deeper danger that was going on behind the scenes. So please take that extra time to research and check out stories from the internet before hitting the forward button. Believe it or not, the enemy of your faith, can use these unfounded stories to do great damage to the integrity of the church.

The times have proven very crucial for us as Christians to be vigilant, yet very careful not to disseminate false information. For when found out, it simply renders us greatly handicapped spreading the truth. For even in the nobility of our designs we lose integrity when we send false messages. More than ever before, we must be careful to be agents of TRUTH.

Here is an example,
these original messages (first two links below) are false in their content, but by doing 10 minutes of checking, I found a true story (last two links below) about the ACLU that was easily masked by the false stories being spread out there. This is the genius of the enemy. Get us all riled up about things that are false or surfacy, while working elsewhere to take spiritual ground and then leave us shaking our heads and wondering why the “church” is losing it’s influence.

I have no doubt that the ACLU is an evil tool of the devil. But there is so much true stuff that we can use as warnings, we don’t need to jump on the band wagon of sending any forms of falsehood. We tell the world they can count on Jesus as “truth.” Now is our chance to really prove this and be SURE -- before we “pass it on.” Honestly, if we cannot prove it’s foundation, we shouldn’t be forwarding it. The Bible speaks pretty clearly about gossip and how it differs from true spiritual admonitions.

Since we stand by the Biblical statement that “the truth will set us free,” let’s take a little more time and prove the liberating power of HIS truth—even in emails. Most of all, it will be proven by our redemptive attitude toward culture and people who are not followers of Jesus.
FALSE stories:

Pay careful attention to these two true ones!!!!

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